NWU On-the-Job Trainees at BJMP Laoag

     The Criminology Department of Northwestern University, Laoag City turned over students for on-the-job training at BJMP Laoag.


6 Responses so far.

  1. Hi, you make mind blowing ideas On NWU and a spectacular article here. Last time, when I saw your site this was a little better but today I visit the web site again and find that you guys making a very smart work on the site.

  2. Anonymous says:

    New maximum penitentiary to be built in Solsona Ilocos Norte Philippines construction cost is P 500,000,000.00 per construction to replace the Laoag City Jail.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Bureau of Jail Management and Penology maximum security prison dubbed as the "Bilibid of the North" by foreign media in the Philippines.

  4. Anonymous says:

    New Ilocos Norte Provincial Jail in Solsona Ilocos Norte Philippines future 2030-32 years from now in the Philippines.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Northwestern University a private education institution established in 1932 by the late Dr. Ferdinand Nicolas founder of Northwestern University in the Philippines.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Northwestern University 92 years of education in the Philippines.

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